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Angels in Turquoise Skies Page 4
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Page 4
He took a hold of her hand. "Let's go to the VIP room and talk."
Her eyebrows shot up. "You can get in there?"
"Don't do this!" Her guardian angel stepped in front of her and yelled in her ear. Torr and the other guardian angels in the room were the only ones to hear him. She walked right through him, oblivious to him.
Torr chuckled and grinned at both Tabitha and her guardian angel. "I can go into any place I want."
She grabbed a skinny blonde's wrist. "Come on, Carly."
This could be a problem. "Have her meet us back there. I want to talk to you alone."
"I'm not leaving my friend."
She's boring and not the one I want to talk to. Torr reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty. He bent over to her ear. "Get us all a round of drinks, honey." He winked.
She sauntered off to the bar in a daze.
The guardian angel stepped into his path. "Get out of here."
"You can't interfere." Torr patted his cheek. "Don't worry. My assignment is her sister, not her." He shoved him out of the way.
Tabitha stared at him curiously. "What are you doing?"
Torr snapped his fingers and froze her.
The guardian angel got back in his face. "Leave Leah alone too."
Torr shoved him to the floor. "I can do anything I want and you can't seem to stop me." He focused his gaze upon on Tabitha. With a gesture of his hand, he made her forget the odd scene. "Time is wasting." He grasped her hand and pulled her along behind him. They stopped at a closed door.
A man, who looked like he weighed three hundred pounds, stepped forward. "Access is restricted."
Torr stared straight into his eyes. "I know. Me and the chick are allowed in there."
"Sorry, my mistake." The bouncer opened the door. "Go right in."
The door shut behind them. The club music was drowned out. At last, I can talk without yelling.
"Wow! How did you do that?"
He grinned. "I'm just a people person."
The guardian angel appeared next to Tabitha and glared at him. Ha, ha, you goody-goody. A bar was at the other end of the room. "Let's get a drink."
Tabitha looked at him with confusion. "I thought Carly was getting the drinks."
"Forget about Carly." Torr looked at the bartender. "Whiskey on the rocks." He turned to Tabitha. "What will you have?"
"A screwdriver."
The bartender nodded and went to get their drinks.
"Interesting choice. What, no Sex on the Beach?"
She threw back her head and laughed. "Where's a beach?"
"I could take you to one."
"This is cool." She started dancing to the music being played in the room.
Not a bad figure, but not as curvy as Leah. Under different circumstances, I'd show her the night of her life. I've got to think about my mission. Failure in the demon world equals mucho pain. Something, I could exist without.
He smiled his seductive smile. "I really like your sister. She won't talk to me."
"He's a liar!" her guardian angel screamed. "Don't listen to him!"
She snorted. "Typical. She doesn't know how to have fun. She's always been boring."
She seems deaf to her guardian angel. Not an uncommon thing for mortals. "Will you help me?" In the mirror behind the bar, he saw himself give her the "I'm so in love and sad eyes look." What a load of crap! I haven't trusted or loved a woman since Eva laughed in my face. And that was before I became a demon. This one in front of me is so naïve. She thinks she's streetwise, but has no clue. I almost feel sorry for her guardian angel. The key word is almost.
The guardian angel waved his hand in a dismissive motion and sat down next to her.
Torr laughed.
"What's so funny?" she asked.
"Just remembering a joke I heard earlier." He slid closer. "Will you help me with Leah?"
The bartender placed their drinks in front of them.
Tabitha sat on the barstool and crossed her legs. "Sure. The bookstore is having an anniversary party tomorrow night. It's open to the public. Why don't you come as my special guest? You'll make a dull party fun. Also, that way she can't kick you out."
Now, we're getting somewhere. "I'd like that."
She leaned down so her cleavage showed more. "Why don't you and me go out sometime?"
Tempting, if her sister wasn't my assignment. Sisters usually don't like it when you try to date both of them at once. He snapped his fingers. "I saw Leah first."
She moved her shirt down even further and hiked up her skirt. "She's dull. I'm a lot more fun than her."
Her guardian angel shot to his feet. "Quit looking at her!"
Torr couldn't help but look. Wow, she's beautiful and hot. He downed his drink. He felt like his eyes were going to bug out of his head at what she was offering him. Her thoughts would've made that guardian angel blush. They came over loud and clear to him. She wanted to get down and dirty with him, whatever he wanted. She'd make a good tempter demon. Think about your mission. He chanted in his head like a mantra. "You know what they say about the quiet ones." Why can't Leah be like this? I wonder if her daddy being an angel has anything to do with it. Because she wasn't a typical mortal. His gaze drifted up and saw the hungry look in Tabitha's eyes. She looked like she wanted to rip his clothes off any minute. Her lips locked onto his. I could have fun with her and then make her forget.
The guardian angel moved between him and Tabitha. "Leave her alone. I mean it!" He assumed a boxer's stance.
Whoa, this is more than just a job to the guardian angel. This guy is actually jealous. Torr pried himself away. I can't risk her remembering. Sometimes, a forgetting spell didn't work a second time. Those sisters seem close. Tabitha will tell her that she had sex with me. It's not a good idea to tick off Leah any more than I already did. I better skip this tonight. He stared into her eyes and waved his hand in front her. "Forget about dating me."
Her eyes glazed over. Maybe it would work. I can't take that chance. The stakes are too high here. He smiled at her. "I better go. I'll see you at the party." Walking away from her was one of the hardest things he had done in a long time. Talk about temptation.
"Save me a dance," she called out as he left the VIP room.
The guardian angel was at his side. "Tabitha can't be that important to a demon."
"She's not. Like I said before, I want her sister, not her."
"Is it the whole angel thing?"
Torr nodded. "Give this man a prize." He met the guardian angel's angry gaze. "I'll leave Tabitha alone, if you'll help me get Leah."
The guardian angel appeared to be in thought. He glanced around the room. "I can't do that."
Torr turned around and glanced at Tabitha. She was sipping her drink at the bar. "I might take Tabitha up on her offer."
The guardian angel punched him in the nose.
Torr stumbled back. He regained his footing and hit him back. "Stay out of my way." He stormed out of the club.
Zach returned to the house. He felt compelled to whistle, but didn't. It was a fun evening. Plus, there was no sign of Torr anywhere. Maybe he gave up and went back to the Underworld. I doubt I could be that lucky. He's plotting something. "Anything new on the demon front?"
"No." Saffron lounged on the couch with the television remote in her hand. "Did you tell Leah yet?"
"No, she's not ready to learn the truth yet."
"You're going to have to tell her soon." His sister studied him with concern in her eyes as she sat up. "What's wrong?"
"I trust you will keep this to yourself."
"Of course."
"I kissed her. I couldn't resist. It just happened." He paced the rug. "I never kissed a mortal woman before."
She smirked. "What about angel women?"
He scowled. "Yes, plenty of times."
Saffron shrugged. "She's not a mortal. She has angel blood."
"She's not an angel yet." That bothered him. Leah seemed
too good to be true. She seemed to have a good heart and strong resistance to Torr. There was always a chance.
"Don't worry. Everything will work out."
"You're too much of an optimist. What if she chooses the demon side?"
"That's not going to happen."
He ran his hand through his hair. "There's always a chance. You've never watched someone be seduced by a demon."
"Leah seems different. Have faith in her."
"I need more than faith. I need to be focused on my assignment."
"Lighten up. Have fun for once. You're always so serious."
"Easy for you to say."
"Did you get a chance to talk to her guardian angel?"
"No, she watched us from a distance. She turned around when I kissed Leah." Rosemarie is a strange one. Usually, the guardian angel talks to us first. Not Leah's. She keeps her distance.
"That's too bad. You should talk to her."
He shook his head. Try telling her that. She could've pulled me aside whenever she wanted. I didn't see any love angels around. That doesn't mean they weren't there. Maybe, this isn't their handiwork. "Good night, Saffron." He walked up the stairs to his room.
Chapter Seven
Sunlight filtered through the huge front windows of the bookstore. Leah grabbed the red, white, and blue streamers. "Hold that ladder, Ulrich." She climbed up and taped the streamers to the wall above a huge wooden bookcase. Her grandfather built that bookcase. "Hand me the banner."
Ulrich handed her a large banner. She taped at one end and quickly climbed down. They moved the ladder and hung the other end up.
Leah got off of the ladder and stared at her decorations.
"Looks good," a male voice said behind her.
She turned and saw Zach smiling at her. He had on jeans and light blue shirt with the top two buttons undone. His angel-wing pendant peeked out. She hugged him.
He gently kissed her lips. "Good morning."
Tabitha entered with different colored balloons. "Is anyone going to help me with this?"
Ulrich stared at her.
"Go on back to the café," Leah said. "I got this." She grabbed a bundle of balloons.
Zach stepped forward. "I'll help."
She began placing the balloons around the store. "You don't have to."
"I want to," he said.
She was touched he wanted to help out, unlike her sister. Tabitha had rolled her eyes and started whining the second Leah asked her to go pick up the balloons from the party store. It seemed her sister was allergic to any kind of work.
"Just stand there and hold the balloons," Leah ordered.
They took the balloons from Tabitha and hung them around the store.
"What's this for?" Zach asked.
"The store's anniversary. My grandfather started this bookstore fifty-five years ago. It was his dream. He loved it here." She felt tears well up in her eyes. Memories of coming here after school and curling up in a corner with a book came back to her. How she missed her grandfather.
"Here we go," Tabitha muttered.
Leah resisted the urge to slap her sister.
Zach looked puzzled as he handed Leah the handkerchief out of his back jean pocket.
"Thank you." Leah dried her eyes. "Grandpa died last year of a heart attack."
"He left this place mostly to her." Tabitha pointed to her sister. "I only got forty percent."
"He knew how much I loved it." She pointed at her sister. "You were always bored here. He didn't want to leave her with nothing. He was too kind of a man for that."
Tabitha yawned. "I'm going back to the café with Ulrich." She walked away.
Zach's arms encircled her. "It's okay." He walked her over to a table.
She sat down across from him. "I learned the business from him. I started working here when I was sixteen."
"Your love for this place shows."
"I wish he was here to see it."
"Maybe he's watching from up there." He pointed up.
"That's what my mom says."
"She's right. I bet he's proud of you."
She nodded. "You're right." She gazed up into his eyes. "Are you going to come to the party tonight?"
"I wouldn't miss it." He kissed her cheek.
An elderly man escorted his wife over to a table. He placed the books on the surface. "My wife is a diabetic. She needs sugar fast. Her glucose tablets are in the car. I'll be right back."
Leah shot to her feet and ran behind the counter. She grabbed a cookie. "Tabitha, get a glass of orange juice." She ran back out to the café and handed the elderly woman the cookie.
Zach was by the woman's side.
"Let me pay you," the woman said.
Leah waved her off. "Worry about that later. We need to take care of you first."
She ate the cookie. Leah went back for the glass of orange juice and set it in front of her, when she returned to the table. The woman took a sip. "You're both angels." She pointed to Zach. "Especially you."
Leah waved a dismissive hand. "Anyone else would've done the same thing."
The elderly woman finished the cookie and orange juice. "I wouldn't be so sure."
Her husband returned.
The elderly woman glanced up. "Dear, these angels have been looking after me."
The elderly man smiled. "Thank you."
She pointed at Zach. "He's truly an angel."
The man took her arm. "Honey, we better get you home."
Zach and Leah helped them to the couple's car. "Be careful," Leah said.
They watched the couple drive off.
Zach turned to Leah. "Do you want to go to lunch?"
"Sounds good, let me get my jacket and purse."
Leah walked back inside.
"Is that old lady going to be okay?" Tabitha asked.
Leah nodded. "Her husband is taking her home." She walked to the back and grabbed her purse and coat.
Tabitha put her hands on her hips. "Where are you going?"
"To lunch with Zach."
"You refuse Torr and always claim you're too busy. Why can't you have lunch here?"
"I am busy. Today, I decided to go out for lunch."
"What about Torr?"
"Torr gives me the creeps. I like Zach. Hold down the store." She walked out of the back room.
Zach watched the traffic pass by as he waited for Leah. I'm surprised that woman knew what I am. What was more surprising was that Leah didn't notice. Or chose to ignore the older woman's ramblings. Odd, that Torr hasn't shown himself today. I wonder what he's planning. I doubt he's given up. I can only hope. Leah isn't like the other assignments. I couldn't stand to lose her.
The door opened and Leah was by his side. A spring breeze made her shiver. He pulled her close as they walked to the restaurant.
"My sister is throwing a fit because I left. She wanted to know why I couldn't have lunch at the café."
"Why couldn't we?"
"I didn't want her staring at us the entire time."
"Good reason."
They entered the restaurant. A table for two was immediately available.
Zach ordered the meatless lasagna.
"Scary moment back at the bookstore. That was odd she called us angels. Why do you think she did that?"
Should I tell her? He looked into her eyes. No, now's not the time. "Because of our kindness. In the same situation, someone would've called an ambulance. That would've been the thing only they would've done." He had seen it happen before.
Leah nodded. "You have a point."
After lunch, Zach accompanied Leah back to the bookstore. He leaned down and gently kissed her lips before she went inside.
"Did you have a nice lunch?" Tabitha asked as Leah put away her coat and purse.
"You should date Torr."
"Not that again. Why?"
"He's a cool guy."
"I've got to g
et back to work, and so do you." Leah walked out to the sales floor. She was surprised her sister didn't follow her or badger her more about Torr.
The store stayed opened later than usual that night. Leah looked around at the customers, friends, and family enjoying the celebration. She could've sworn she felt her grandfather's presence.
Zach held her hand as her mother approached her. "Who is this?"
"Mom, this is Zach."
"Good to meet you, ma'am."
"Where's Norman at?" Leah asked.
"With your sister. Good choice of music. You've done an excellent job."
The music was a mixture of forties through current. The DJ Tabitha recommended was great. Some of the tables and chairs at the café were moved to make a dance floor. A slow song played.
"May I have this dance?" Zach asked.
Leah smiled. "Yes." She took his hand as they went to the temporary dance floor. They swayed to the music.
"I hear you have a birthday coming up," he said in her ear.
She nodded. "Yeah, it's tomorrow. My mother and sister are forcing me to take the day off."
"Any special plans?"
"I have no idea what I'm going to do during the day. My family is having a birthday dinner for me in the evening. Would you like to come?"
He froze.
Was it too soon to ask that? Disappointment washed over her. "You don't have to."
"I'd like to come. I was surprised you asked."
The song ended. Zach released her. "Would you like some punch?"
"I'll be right back." She watched him stroll across the room. A sigh escaped her lips. I shouldn't have asked. It's too soon. I don't want to scare him off. She left the dance floor.
"Hey Leah," Tabitha called out.
She turned to see her sister walking through the crowd with Torr trailing behind her. "Look who I found."
The man in black. So much for a good evening. I thought I was going to get away without seeing him today.